About Chantal-Marie MacLeod: your web developer and website designer

“Based in Greater Vancouver, New Westminster, BC
local or distant, hybrid and remote”

After 25 years in the Transportation industry, I enrolled in a post-secondary course for Web Design and Digital Technology Certification with Make a Change Canada, and I discover a new passion; web development and coding. Fulfilling my desire for creativity, art and technology all in one place.

I have studied and practiced Traditional Herbalism and Sound Meditation for over 20 years which is an integral part of my life.

My Goals as a Developer

As a Web Developer, my passion is to deepen my skills in design, coding and programming, working on innovative projects as part of a team with other developers is important to me as it stimulate inspiration, cooperation and creativity skills. Therefore, employment as a developer is my primary goal. I am available for contract as a Freelancer for personal as well as company's responsive web development projects.

Remote or hybrid type work are both important to me, they both permit being part of a regional or international team, avoiding long commute as well as keeping a flexible schedule.

a group of people coding on laptop on a large table

Some of my Characteristics:

I am dedicated and focused on the task at hand, being on time for my appointments is a necessity for keeping an easy flowing schedule. I learned how to become self-reliant since we always encounter challenges along the way. I find having a strong team cooperation is at the heart of accomplishing projects on time, a vital role for a successful growing business. Continuous learning is an integral part of my life. Being curious of how things work, I truly enjoy enrolling in classes or workshops that improves my skills and my understanding of new ideas and new technologies

a smart phone on a  table displaying coding

Here are some of my skills

I have worked 25 years in the Transportation Industry as a professional Class-1 truck driver. I have driven semi-tractor from coast-to-coast in Canada and in the United State, working with brokers and Border Customs crossings. Transporting containers from and to the Ports of Metro Vancouver.
Some of my skills are: Microsoft Office, Mac OS system, Adobe, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java Script, jQuery, PHP, CMS, SEO, Photoshop, Social Media reels and posters for sales and events.

a table with a beautiful setting a medicinal herbs and a cup of herbal tea

My Favorite Activities:

Traditional Herbalism and foraging go hand in hand as one of my favorite activities, my passion for Nature, medicinal plants and herbology goes back to my teen years which opened the door in incorporating photography as one of my favorite hobbies. I was amazingly surprised when I found out how much I enjoy coding, it is such a creative medium and is now part of my favorite activities.